Retro-commissioning Program
Maximize your facility’s energy performance with FirstEnergy Pennsylvania Electric Companies’ Retro-commissioning (RCx) Program.
We provide a comprehensive mix of energy-saving custom measures for non-residential buildings of all types - commercial, industrial, government, institutional or nonprofit.

FirstEnergy Pennsylvania Electric Companies are Met-Ed, Penn Power, Penelec, and West Penn Power
To view all available programs offered by FirstEnergy Pennsylvania Electric Companies please click HERE.
Save 10-20% of annual energy usage with in-depth analysis and recalibration of key building systems.

- Calibration and replacement of building systems and controls
- Diagnostic and function testing
- Optimization of industrial processes
- Schedule/control air handlers, exhaust, and lighting
- Right-size ventilation
- Integrated whole-building approach
Energy efficiency made easy!
From enrollment to incentive, we make it easy to find the best energy-efficient solutions for your facility.
Customer Eligibility
The RCx Program is available for most non-residential facility types including commercial, institutional, industrial, and multifamily common areas. To qualify, participating projects should be in the territory of one of FirstEnergy Pennsylvania Electric Companies.

Additional Information
For program details and customer documents, please refer to the links below:
Call 878-295-4498, email or fill out the form on the button below to get in contact.
FirstEnergy Pennsylvania Electric Companies offer a suite of programs to benefit all customer sizes and project types. To view all available Commercial and Industrial offerings please click HERE.
Still looking for the perfect solution?
Explore the full range of commercial and industrial incentive programs offered by FirstEnergy Pennsylvania electric companies.